In the News – Water Safety and Splash Pads
As consumers, we trust that commercial splash pads and public spray parks are closely monitored to ensure water safety. But what about your residential splash pad? What about your backyard splash zone? What’s required to keep your water safe?
First, it is essential to know that all splash pads are not created equal.
Most kits, including ours, come with a chlorinator, but only My Splash Pad kits and splash pad installations include a UV light sanitizer/clarifier that kills 99.99% of bacteria and viruses.
The UV light is not an upgrade you have to purchase. We include it because we don’t believe a splash pad should operate without one.
Our philosophy is simple: water safety is a necessity, not an option.
Aside from the chlorinator and UV light, you should also do a few practical things to keep your splash pad clean and sanitized.
- Before Spring start up and before Fall shut down, we recommend cleaning your concrete splash pad with a coarse push broom and Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner or a 1:1 bleach and water solution. Spray the cleaner or the solution onto the concrete. Scrub the concrete with a coarse push broom to evenly distribute the cleaner or solution. Allow it to sit for 30 minutes then rinse with fresh water. Note: If you have a safety surface installed on your splash pad, please refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for recommended cleaning agents and methods.
- Keep your splash pad free of debris. Use a broom or blower to remove leaves, grass clippings, and other particles before turning on your splash pad system. This will prevent debris from accumulating and composting in the holding tank.
It’s really quite simple. Choose My Splash Pad, perform basic upkeep, and enjoy your splash pad with peace of mind!
Have questions? Call or contact us today.