Lakeland, Florida Daycare SplashPad

Lakeland, Florida. This was a training splash pad for a Florida dealer. 

His first splash pad installation was for the children at this Lakeland, Florida Daycare who will find themselves happily getting soaked as they play near the nostril-water spraying green Alligator Water Feature or run around the 3 spray areas coming from the red and black Ladybug, or even hiding under the purple and yellow Umbrella

But if they still aren’t wet enough, the below-ground nozzles will get them for sure!

This colorful water park is a great addition for this preschool to their outside play area!

We would love to discuss a spray park for your area; please contact us for information. Or if you are interested in becoming a My Splash Pad dealer.

My Splash Pad Alligator Ladybug water park spray fountain play area aquatic playground daycare splashpad ground My Splash Pad daycare Lakeland Florida splashpad installer water park aquatic playground spray play area pads My Splash Pad daycare water park installer spray playground splashpad aquatic play area Florida My Splash Pad daycare water park spray play area daycare Lakeland Florida FL installer manufacturer